Let’s start off by identifying what exactly makes an RTD an RTD—it’s a cocktail that comes pre-mixed in a can or bottle, ready for consumption and usually drank chilled or over ice. After that, all you need to do is pop the top and enjoy. The Ready-to-Drink (RTD) category is as popular as ever. In fact, it has become many consumers’ go-to drink. But what is the appeal of an RTD; the taste, the convenience, the ease? Or maybe it’s the fact that the RTD category has such a large variety of delicious offerings! From pre-mixed cocktails to spiked seltzers, there is an RTD option for everyone to enjoy. The fact is, there is no one reason, but rather a combination of all these factors.
We take time gathering as much information as we can to help our Customers get a thorough understanding of our products and their trends. Take a look at the data the RNDC team has curated to further your success in both on and off premise!

When it comes to the RTD category, the numbers don’t lie. With all the new data provided, there’s no better time to put RTDs on your radar if you haven’t already!
RNDC Customers can shop RTDs with ease on eRNDC.com. Sign in and click the "Other" category to see a list of offerings in your market. You can sign in today to place an order or claim your account and browse RNDC's portfolio of products at your convenience.
RNDC takes pride in being your adult beverage distributor and will continue to provide you with key insights to help you grow. We hope that you have a better understanding of the RTD category and a clear grasp of how to utilize them in your area.
RTD responsibly, cheers!